Our Leadership

Our Pastor

Our pastor is Warren Peel from Belfast. Warren also teaches New Testament at the Reformed Theological College in Belfast and serves as a trustee of the Banner of Truth Trust. He is married to Ruth, and they have four daughters.

Our Session

Our Session, consisting of two Elders in equal authority (including the Pastor), oversee the spiritual wellbeing of the congregation.  The Elders are elected from the male membership of the congregation who fulfil the requirements of 1 Timothy chapter 3 and Titus chapter 1.

The Elder’s endeavour to visit each family at least once per year and more frequently when required.  They share responsibility in leading group Bible Studies and times of prayer.  Meetings of Session take place monthly and more frequently as necessary and when overseeing the Biblical sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Our elders are:

Billy Hamilton 87 Ardilaun Road, Newcastle, Galway, Tel: 091 374302

Warren Peel 13 Glenvale Court, Knocknacara, Galway, Tel: ‪+44 7982 465570‬